

The province of Hatay belonged to the beginning of the 20th Century to the Ottoman Empire and was 1918 after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War by the French occupied. Under the Treaty of Sanremo 1920, by France within the mandate of Syria managed. They remained separated from the French Syria and received on 4 March 1923 autonomy.

France originally wanted no united Syrian state, but planned a breakdown in four states with their own government, with religious and denominational factors play a role. In Alexandrette should Armenian refugees from all over Cilicia together with the then Turkish majority Arabs and a home.

With the expiration of the French mandate over Syria closer to Turkey from 1936 their demands for a connection in the area.

France was the Turkish demands for a separation from the Syrian mandate, contrary to Turkey from a war on the side entrance Hitler's Germany hold.

On 2 September 1938 was in the Iskenderun independent, but short-lived government Hatay exclaimed. The association with the Turkish Republic was approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Hatay on 29 Decided in June 1939. France, the former mandate power from Syria and Lebanon, had already on 23 June 1939 the port in a contract agreed with Turkey. Since Hatay is a province of the Turkish Republic. Hatay is still a bone of contention between Syria and Turkey remained

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