

The region of Antakya is fascinating.The attraction of the region lies in its climatic conditions which have paved the way throughtout history for migrations,its fertile lands and the fact that it is located on an important route which connects Anatolia to Syria via the Cukurova road.

Antakya has a mysterious beauty which becomes more apparent to visitors when they learn about the history and the natural beauty of the city.When u examine the historical structures located in Antakya then actually you realize that the wealth of past centuries is not as evident as it should be.However,the reason fot this is all too obvious when you see the traces left behind of the conquests of the city and the ruins caused by huge earthquakes.

The history of Antakya can be traced back 2300 years.The first settlement on the site was in 8000 B.C. The city was founded by Seleukos,a commander of Alexander the Great,and was one the people who shared the empire after Alexander's death.The city was then home to civilizations incloding the Part,Sassanites,Byzantines,Abbasi,Aksits,Seljuk's,the Crusaders and the Memluks.The city was conquered by the Ottoman's duirng an expedition to Egypt undertaken by Yavuz Sultan Selim.The independent Republic of Hatay was founded in 1937 and in 1939.Hatay was annexed to the Republic of Turkey

All the historic artifacts dating back to the aforementioned civilizationns and cultures are preserved at the Archaeology Museum.The Museum is located in Antakya's Republic Square,on the shores of the River Asi and near the birdge.In the first few years of the scientific excavations which began in 1932,manyvarieties of historic artifacts were uncovered some of which were very precious.It was their discoveries which lead to the establishment of the museum.

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