

Harbiye is located 7 kilometres from the city center on the E-91 motorway which leads into Syria and the Middle East.It is 55 kilometres from the border to Syria.Harbiye is a community which was established in 1939 when Hatay was annexed to the Republic of Turkey.Additionally,Harbiye is known worldwide by its ancient name of Daphne.It is perhapsone of the most picturesque locations not just in Hatay but in entire Southern Anatolia region.As it is with the Middle East ,it is frequented by visitors to these countries which has lead to a range of accommodation and is also home to the nicest picnic area in the region.It is surrounded by greenery and plentiful water which is reminiscent of heaven.

Fruits and vegetables grow in abundance in Harbiye which is enjoying a surge in the numbers of visitors who stop here on their way to other Middle Eastern Countries.Its restaurants,tourist hotels,B&B's , and areas for fun make it more attractive.

Harbiye is also renowned for its handicrafts.Its sculptures and silk are famed all over Turkey.Additionaly ,the area has an im portant place in the Turkish market for its manufacture of touristy gifts and weaving.

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