

The hotel is located in the old Arsuz directly on the beach, a beautiful private beach front section of a small garden with palm trees.

An ideal combination for worry-free holiday swim in the beach sand flat with simultaneous change in small, but very Arsuz original location. A few years ago, as a tip for you to discover! The hotel has a terrace restaurant and bar rooms are equipped with comfortable and have their own shower, toilet, telephone and partly balcony. A total of 70 rooms.

The transfer of Adana takes about 2.5 hours.

For the return trip, we offer a night in Adana, where his flight back to Germany in early morning starts. Getting also the possibility of a brief overview of this small eastern Metropoloe win. Our prices are already a transfer of Adana and night. For technical reasons, transfer hotel at the airport in Adana zaheln him separately and in our price is not included. They organized the hotel in Adana taxes trip.



The city was under the name Antigoneia on the Orontes 307 BC by I. Antigonus. After its defeat by Seleucus I was 300 BC to the present office and relocated in Antioch renamed. The city was named in honor of Seleucus' father Antiochus. The city became one of the capitals of Seleukidenreiches and became one of the most important cities of the ancient world. Once there were sacred games out, with the Olympic competition. Daphne Antiochias suburban city was a major Apollo sanctuary and a famous Hains, the many (pagan) and attracted pilgrims at least to the 6th Century. Antioch was at the crossroads of various trade routes, making the development of the town very accelerated. After 64 BC seleukidische the fuselage State eliminated by the Romans, was Antioch capital of the Roman province of Syria.

In Roman times counted Antioch probably up to 500,000 residents and was one of the five main cities of the Roman Empire. The city, but also in the history of Christianity an important position, see some Antiochenische school. From Antioch came Nicholas, one of the first seven deacons. According to tradition gathered in St. Peter Cave, the first Christian church to Paul, Barnabas, Peter and then the first bishops of the city. The Apostle Paul preached for the first time in a synagogue, here were the disciples of Christ first Christians (christianoi, see Acts). With the establishment of the Christian church was Antioch, apparently already in the middle of the 4th Christianisiert century was largely right (see the reaction to the visit Apostatas Julian), seat of the original three, five later altkirchlichen Patriarchate, together with Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria and Jerusalem. As Rome referred it to the Apostle Peter as the founder Bishop, after church tradition only later went to Rome and suffered martyrdom. Today, several churches claiming the legitimate successor of the Patriarchate, see Patriarchate of Antioch.

In the late Antioch remained, despite some severe earthquake and several looting by the Sassanid a very important city in the (Eastern) Roman Empire. So were the rhetorical schools in the city in the 4th Schools next century Athens, Alexandria and Constantinople to the leading of the empire; several important teachers are known by name, such as Ulpianus of Antioch, Eusebius Arabs, Aedesius Rhetor and his disciple Zenobius Rhetor and especially the famous Libanios. Even the (next Procopius) most important late historian Ammianus Marcellinus, a contemporary of Libanios, probably came from Antioch. The decline of the metropolis began in the 6th Age: After the devastating earthquake of 526, which, according to John Malalas up to 250,000 people fell victim to, and the collection and destruction of the city by the Sassanid king Khosrau I. (540), a large part of the inhabitants and deported in a separate Ktesiphon City ( "Chosrauantiochia") ansiedelte, the city was under Emperor Justinian I. rebuilt (new name Theoupolis, "City of God"), but now they comprised only a part of the former area. At the end of the late Antioch was 638-41 conquered by the Arabs (see Islamic expansion), which also began in the Middle Ages.


The province of Hatay belonged to the beginning of the 20th Century to the Ottoman Empire and was 1918 after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War by the French occupied. Under the Treaty of Sanremo 1920, by France within the mandate of Syria managed. They remained separated from the French Syria and received on 4 March 1923 autonomy.

France originally wanted no united Syrian state, but planned a breakdown in four states with their own government, with religious and denominational factors play a role. In Alexandrette should Armenian refugees from all over Cilicia together with the then Turkish majority Arabs and a home.

With the expiration of the French mandate over Syria closer to Turkey from 1936 their demands for a connection in the area.

France was the Turkish demands for a separation from the Syrian mandate, contrary to Turkey from a war on the side entrance Hitler's Germany hold.

On 2 September 1938 was in the Iskenderun independent, but short-lived government Hatay exclaimed. The association with the Turkish Republic was approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Hatay on 29 Decided in June 1939. France, the former mandate power from Syria and Lebanon, had already on 23 June 1939 the port in a contract agreed with Turkey. Since Hatay is a province of the Turkish Republic. Hatay is still a bone of contention between Syria and Turkey remained



Hatay is a Turkish province. Its capital is Antakya, the former Antioch. The province had 1,253,726 inhabitants in 2000 and an area of 5,678 sq. km. The majority are Sunni Turkish. The minorities include alevitische Arabs and Armenians (in the village of Vakifli) and (Aramaer).

The district of Hatay, until the late 1930s in the West Sandjak Alexandrette, geographically now forms the southernmost part of Turkey, situated in the northwestern border with Syria. The main cities are Iskenderun and Antakya.

Geography 46% of the area are mountains, valleys 33% and 20% plateau. The main mountain ranges are the only mountains in the north-south direction. They are also under the names Gavur or Amanos Mountains. The highest peak is the Migirtepe(Bozdag) with 2240 m. Other high mountains are the Ziyaret Mountain and the Keldag(Kel Mountain) with 1739 m . The most important river is the Asi (Orontes former). He comes from Lebanon and flows through Syria in southern Hatay near the town of Samandag into the Mediterranean.

Major lakes are Gölbasi and Yenisehir Gölü. The Amik lake dried up in the 1970s and is now seen as agricultural land.

The Amik Valley is the most important valley in Hatay. Other valleys are Dörtyol, Arsuz, Payas,Iskenderun and Erzin.


This interesting museum has a mosaic of the most important collections in the world. The mosaics from the 2nd 3.Jhd.n.Chr up. represent mythological scenes with human and animal figures dar. This is the Roman floor jewellery distinguished public buildings and homes from Antakya and the nearby Harbiye (Daphne). The museum also has a collection Hittite finds from the vicinity of Antakya.



Hz.Musa tree is in the center of the Hidirbey Village.You can come there by the Samandag way.It is giant pine tree.It is 17 metres high.If the story is true,H.z Musa tree is the biggest tree in the world.



The population of Antakya-Hatay is 1.386.224 for 2007 census. 681.655 people of this population lives in the city center,the others lives in the districts and villages.The increase of population is %1.22 .And in the Hatay-Antakya 77 nations of people leaves.


Issos ruins are between the Dortyol and Erzin.It was the Pers's city and Issos war was there.Macedonians king Alexander was win Pers's monarc 3.Darius in here.In these days you can see water depots,temples and city remnants in Issos.



The waters of the thermal spring and the curative mineral water is said to cure various diseases. The thermal and mineral waters come out in various locations between the rocks at the Baslamis Village of Erzin District. The mineral waters of Erzin is slight salty and sour and contains earth alkali, bicarbonate and carbon dioxite. The waters also contain bromide. Source:kultur.gov.tr


-Buying pomegranate sour,silk woven,pepper paste and the most important Daphne soap.

-Tasting Humus,Kunefe,Kerevic,Marrow desert,Icli kofte(meat balls),Kaytaz pastry,Sour meal...

-Visiting St.Pierre Church,Archeology Museum,St.Simeon Monastery,Habib-i Neccar Mosque,Titus Tunnel,Antakya Castle,Bakras Castle,Old Antakya houses,the shore line of Arsuz,Koz Castle...


It was founded by Seleukos Nikator in 300 B.C. In order to prevent the filling of the inner part by the floods from mountains, a tunnel construction was initiated in the period of Emperor Vespesian but this tunnel was completed only in the period of Titus. The most frequently visited location is the Besikli Cave in which the rock tombs are present. Source:kultur.gov.tr .


Ulu Mosque, which is known as the oldest structure of the city and is constructed in 16th century, reflecting the initial period architecture of Islamism. Ulu Mosque demolished in 1987, and than reconstructed at the same style.


They are located around Konacik village where is on direction of Isikli village on the 12th kiolometres from Arsuz(Ulucinar).There are many imposing tombs that was determined belong to 5 th Rome period in the excavation was done in this region. It was came out that the tombs belong to the nuns from the figures on them. The sole of the mosaic where is being almost next to tombs supposed to be belong to the church.


Many monk and bishop lived in Arsuz and around to spread Prophet Jesus’s doctrine in the beginning of the Christianity. One of them was St.Hanna who get a church built in Uluçınar (Arsuz). This church is still used, which is called with its founder and located in the centrum of Arsuz. There are many icon in the church when was reconstructed in 1514 and so much voluable 2 printing pictures were remaining from 1600 years made on cloth. These pictures have been still exhibited in St.Hanna church. Source:aksuz .rg



It is 8 kilometres far away from Haciahmetli village.Virgin Mary's Pool is known as a sacred place by Christians.For the rumour Virgin Mary passed from this place and had a washed oneself in this pool.However a peasant saw Virgin Mary there and she entered the lake too.But when peasant entered the lake ,the lake was wither up.Afterwords the people saw that and begun to pray.At the end of this pray two waters begun to drip between the rocks.One of that water was hot ,other one was cold.It said that hot water symbolize sin ,cold water symbolize sanctity...


It is 87 kilometres far from Arsuz(Ulucinar) and at the east of the Amanos Mountains.At the past it was Adana city s district but when Hatay be a city of Turkey ,it became Hatay s district.Grape viniculture is developed in Hassa very much.



From the back of the Sarimiye Mosque,you can come to Catholic church s entrance gate.At the 19. century one of the Ottomans sultan was change an old Antakya house and change to church.You can not see the church s architect art from the outside,you can just see the bel of the church from the outside.


It is the near of the Samandag sea s near.It is the tradition that visit and go around the tomb.Tomb was build on the place where Hz.Hizir and Hz.Musa met.



Yunus Column is on the Iskenderun-Payas railway and it is the entrance gate remnant of Iskenderun.For the legend Yunus Prophet went ashore on the dolphins belly ,at this column.



It is 20 kilomoteres far from Reyhanli city.Reyhanlı bath is very near to Turkey-Syria frontier gate.Water is coming from 5 fountain.This spa water can be drinking and also it is good for rheumatismal illness.


Sariseki Castle is on the 10th kilometres of Iskenderun-Adana highway near the sea.It is known as it is belonging to Helenistic period.Now the Sariseki Castle is in the military base.


Atik is on the Iskenderun-Hatay(Antakya) highway.Its a small ,cute picnic place that is 10 kilometres from Belen.And Atik is famous with its water.


Belen is on the 15th kilometres of Iskenderun-Antakya(Hatay) highway.It is a high plateau which has fresh air ,fresh water and amazing nature view.



Sarimazi is a resting and picnic place where is between the 10th kilometres of Iskenderun and Antakya highway.Sarimazi has amazing pine grove and sea view.


Sokullu Mehmet Pasa Caravanserai is between the 22. kilometres of Iskenderun-Adana highway in Payas.There is a big courtyard at the east of Payas.And there is rooms with dome that the tourists can stay around and in the courtyard.



Barlaam Monastery is on the Antik Cassius in the Yayladagi district.It was known as a sacred area.It was be monastery and also church at the past.


Simeon Monastery was established on 430 metres hill in Aknehir city.It was built in 6.century A.D. In its courtyard there was natural column made by rock.the legend is St.Simeon lived on this column untill dies.



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Arsuz region is a touristic town where located at the county İskenderun of the Southern Mediterranean.Arsuz is 40 kilometres far from Iskenderun.In Arsuz the mountains and hills covered with the rich Mediterranean flora, valleys and plateaus between the sea and the mountains and the rich water resources.

Arsuz is founded on one of the most beautiful bays of İskenderun on a peninsula where the river originating from Mount Nur reaches the sea. In addition to its natural richness and beauty, the basic importance of Arsuz, being an idyllic fisher’s village with a winter population of 800 inhabitants, not surrounded with industrial facilities, offering a clean seawater and a golden sand beach and that has become a quite popular spot of tourism during the recent years, is focused on the ancient site located beneath today’s modern settlement and not widely known.



Iskenderun is now a busy commercial centre and an important port of Turkey.Iskenderun was founded by Alexander The Great and it called Alexandretta after his victory over the Persians near the city of İssos in 333 B.C.Iskenderun lies on a plain between the Amanos Mountains and the amazing blue waters of the Mediterranean.

You must eat "Kunefe" in Iskenderun,it is a dessert with cheese in it and eaten hot.Be sure to test "Kunefe".It is really very delicious.


Titus Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 213 91 41

Abba Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 214 27 52

Caliente Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 214 21 99

Kavaslar Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 213 20 80

Nerpa Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 613 51 21

Hemdem Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 614 01 76

Elis Tourism and Travelling Agenty
Phone:+90 326 345 47 88



Antakya boast a plethora of ancient Turkish baths and Han's.These are almost all under the protection of the Foundation.Cindi Turkish Bath is still operational whilst Kursunlu Han and Sokullu Han are rare examples from the same period.The remains of the waterways and bridges whixh were constructed during the Seleukos and Roman eras to carry water into the city from 10 kilometres away are visible today.The best preserved walls are located between Harbiye and Antakya and Memekli Bridge which is near Antakya's State Hospital.



The region is renowned for its food and spices.For example,thyme is picked from the mountains near the village of the Zahter where it grows in completely natural conditions.Thyme is used widely as it adds to flavor and taste and it is said that thyme is beneficial combating health problems.Thyme is locally known as "tahtaci otu","guvery otu" and "pervane otu" and it is beileved to reduce cholesterol,to prevent epileptic fits,to ease stomach and head aches ,that it relieves sudden spasms and is effective in the treatment of adolescent acne.Experts say that careful doses of thyme,thyme tea and thyme oil lead to many health problems resolving themselves.Dishes made with thyme :Thyme Salad consists of freshly picked thyme,onion,parsley,red peppers,olive oil and pomegranate essence.The refreshing taste of thyme and the fruity aftertaste to the olive oil leads to a heady flavour.

Thyme tea:Thyme tea is extremely useful for the digestive system.It eases digestion,is beneficial for stomach discomforts,increases the appetite,regulates menstrual bleeding,eases menstrual pains,strengthens the organism and prevents adolescent acne.

Thyme oil:Massaging a combination of virgin oil and thyme oil enables pain to subside and prevents it from expanding.

Thyme water: Drinking this enables parasites in the gut to be expelled.It has a soothing effect.It eases spasms and enables the body to function well.It is extremely beneficial for the stomach.It decreases cholesterol.It is effective against gallstones.It has a calming effect when used as a gargle aganst mouth,teeth and throat infections.It is effective in helping the body get rid of excessive fat..



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There is a market in Hatay which has features which are not commonly seen in other cities.The road to the market is lined with 'kunefe' shops which is a sweet dessert made with cheese and syrup.These shops are open until late.The dessert here is prepared using unsalted cheese and is then covered with syrup,buffalo cream or ice-cream.The dessert is symbolic of the region.The versions of kunefe made in Hrbiye which are cooked in small frying pans are even more popular.The cheese and pomegranate vendors in Uzuncarsi are also very renowned.A huge variety of cheeses including goat's cheese made from goat's milk,sunme cheese which is cheese that is placed in hot water and stretched,cara cheese which is cut into cubes and rested underground,cokelek cheese which is made in the same manner but with the addition of items such as herbs and spices,breakfast village cheese which contains very little salt,unsalted kunefe cheese which is used in kunefe's, orme cheese which is plaited cheese which can be eaten in strips and is sold in knots and dil cheese.The vendors selling salted yoghurts which are eaten at breakfast and used soups are also worth looking at.

Pay a visit to the famous Antakya Uzuncarsi spice vendor where you will find regional products from Cetenli Village,Altinozu an Hatay.You xan also pick up stuffed vine leaves in olive oil,walnut jam,bitter orange jam,pepper-tomato paste,pomegranate essence,varieties of cheese and olives,pulses and dried and fresh thyme.In fact you can even find packages of millied boiled chichpeas which are used to make humus.


Samandag is a city located on the shores of the Mediterranean 25 kilometres from Antakya.It was founded in 310 B.C by King Seleukos 1 Nikador of the Selefki's, who called the city Pieria Seleucia.Seleukos beat his rival Antigonus in 312 and established in Seleucid State.Later when Antioch became capital of this state,Pierra-Seleucia became the most important port in the region..Samandag(Suveydiye) was occupied by the French during World War 1 . In 1939 it was annexed to the Turkish Republic together with the State of Hatay.Samandag was previously a sub-district annexed to Antakya which became a city in 1948.At the same time ,its name was changed from Suveydiye to Samandag after the mountain which is located nearby.


Harbiye is located 7 kilometres from the city center on the E-91 motorway which leads into Syria and the Middle East.It is 55 kilometres from the border to Syria.Harbiye is a community which was established in 1939 when Hatay was annexed to the Republic of Turkey.Additionally,Harbiye is known worldwide by its ancient name of Daphne.It is perhapsone of the most picturesque locations not just in Hatay but in entire Southern Anatolia region.As it is with the Middle East ,it is frequented by visitors to these countries which has lead to a range of accommodation and is also home to the nicest picnic area in the region.It is surrounded by greenery and plentiful water which is reminiscent of heaven.

Fruits and vegetables grow in abundance in Harbiye which is enjoying a surge in the numbers of visitors who stop here on their way to other Middle Eastern Countries.Its restaurants,tourist hotels,B&B's , and areas for fun make it more attractive.

Harbiye is also renowned for its handicrafts.Its sculptures and silk are famed all over Turkey.Additionaly ,the area has an im portant place in the Turkish market for its manufacture of touristy gifts and weaving.


The mosque is located at the junction of Kurtulus Street and Kemalpasa Street.The mosque bears the name of a resident of Antakya who was the first believer in the disciples of Jesus and who sacrificed his life for them.Habib Neccar's tomb is located in the northeastern corner of the mosque at a depth of 4 meters.The mosque today is an Ottoman structure.It is surrounded by madrasa rooms and the fountain in the courtyard of the mosque dates back to the 19th century.


This cave-church is located to the northest of the city near the Reyhanli exit,and is the only surviving which pays testament to a time when Christianity was prevalent in Antakya..This cave is on the skirts of Mt.Stauris and it is said to be where St.Paul,St. Pierre and Barbanas gathered the first Christian congregation for mass.


It is estimated that Antakya Mausaleum was built between 265-270 A.D. This is supported by the gold coins depicting the Roman emperors Gordianus 2 and Emperor Gallienus and his wife Salonina whixh were uncovered here.


The region of Antakya is fascinating.The attraction of the region lies in its climatic conditions which have paved the way throughtout history for migrations,its fertile lands and the fact that it is located on an important route which connects Anatolia to Syria via the Cukurova road.

Antakya has a mysterious beauty which becomes more apparent to visitors when they learn about the history and the natural beauty of the city.When u examine the historical structures located in Antakya then actually you realize that the wealth of past centuries is not as evident as it should be.However,the reason fot this is all too obvious when you see the traces left behind of the conquests of the city and the ruins caused by huge earthquakes.

The history of Antakya can be traced back 2300 years.The first settlement on the site was in 8000 B.C. The city was founded by Seleukos,a commander of Alexander the Great,and was one the people who shared the empire after Alexander's death.The city was then home to civilizations incloding the Part,Sassanites,Byzantines,Abbasi,Aksits,Seljuk's,the Crusaders and the Memluks.The city was conquered by the Ottoman's duirng an expedition to Egypt undertaken by Yavuz Sultan Selim.The independent Republic of Hatay was founded in 1937 and in 1939.Hatay was annexed to the Republic of Turkey

All the historic artifacts dating back to the aforementioned civilizationns and cultures are preserved at the Archaeology Museum.The Museum is located in Antakya's Republic Square,on the shores of the River Asi and near the birdge.In the first few years of the scientific excavations which began in 1932,manyvarieties of historic artifacts were uncovered some of which were very precious.It was their discoveries which lead to the establishment of the museum.